NOSFERATU #102795-01


Item #: 102795-01




After Englishman Jonathan Harker visits a creepy castle in Eastern Europe, vampire Count Orloc moves from his ruined castle to Wisborg where he goes after Jonathan's fiancée. Although this film is the first filmed adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula, the name of the vampire was changed due to copyright issues with his widow.

Based on Bram Stoker's novel, DRACULA. Germany

Black and White, 90 minutes VHS 1922

Starring: Max Schreck, Gustav Botz, Karl Etlinger, John Gottowt, Alexander Granach, Wolfgang Heinz, Guido Herzfeld, Ruth Landshoff, Max Nemetz, Georg H. Schnell, Greta Schrööder, Albert Venohr, Heinrich Witte, Hardy von Francois, Gustav von Wangenheim

Director: F. W. Murnau

Vendor: HSV
Vendor #: HSV4333
Medium: Silent
Our Price: $14.99
Package: Printed Sleeve

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