LOVE MASTER, THE #101488-01


Item #: 101488-01




A standup comic raised by a belly-dancing mother and his pot-smoking grandmother wearing hand-me-down halter tops from his sisters creates a stage alter ego that embodies every woman's dream--the opposite of his real life.

Color, 90 minutes VHS 2000

Starring: Craig Shoemaker, Farrah Fawcett, George Wendt, Kyle Thomas, Melissa Pomerantz, May Quigley, Esther Auerbach, Andrew Starnes, Brian Wagner, Charlie Talbert, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Gina Ryan, Brian Johnson, Kurt Rambis, Bob Fonseca, Dale Dudley, Richard Singer, Jeffrey Joiner

Director: Michael Goldberg

Vendor: HSV
Vendor #: 73013
Medium: Feature Film
Our Price: $14.99
Package: Printed Sleeve

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